Wedding Wednesday 07/23/14

July 23, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

On this "Wedding Wednesday", we highlight Mr. and Mrs. Culpepper. We love the infusion of color that they used in their decor and the bridal party, it brought a vibrance to this couple's lovely wedding day. We love to photograph gorgeous weddings, but we are even more thrilled to know that the couple is not just only focused on the wedding but the marriage as well. Today we would also like to speak about the art of dating your spouse, it is one of those key ways of keeping a long lasting marriage. As you walk down the aisle as husband and wife don't let that be the last time you enjoy each other. Set aside time to keep the spark hot! Start with a date night where you and your spouse have a night to yourselves to go out and date like you did before you got married. Like the old saying goes " You have to do what you did in the beginning to get them, to keep them"! And on that note good people, Have a Wonderful Wedding Wednesday and a Blessed rest of the Week! and don't forget to Date your Spouse!


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